This week was full of so much work it passed by so fast. We started the week hearing that another companionship had just been the firsts to get the Excellence standard and we wanted to too. We made really big goals and worked hard.
After a rough p-day we pulled off a solid Tuesday and finished off Wednesday with a record high 10 lessons in the same day. Then we left with a member all day on Thursday after losing 2 hours of proselyting time because of interviews and did 7 lessons with member and received 5 references'. We started to get really excited because the goal was in sight. Then we passed a rough Friday. We had 3 investigators that said they would go to the English classes we started and then they didn't go so we lost 3 hours of work at night. But we still had Saturday and Sunday with only another 14 lessons to teach. We did another division with a member and went to the park in the morning to do extra lessons. The baptism on Saturday checked the box to the hardest part of the Standard and at this point the only thing that was lacking was 4 investigators at church and another 2 with less actives.
We woke up on Sunday determined to bring at least 4 of our confirmed 12 visitors. And then the difficulty came. After an hour and a half of walking and knocking on doors and calling tons of people we started the 20 minute walk to church alone. The last hope was visitors from the members. When we got there we saw our newest recent convert 1. then the meeting started and the father of our recent convert slipped in to watch the confirmation 2. Then animated by the closeness to our goal we missed 30 minutes of priesthood to invite people outside the church. one lady accepted our invite and entered 3. and unfortunately we didn't manage the last person.
well as was just warned about my time and I need to send pictures
I love you all.
Have a great week
Elder Jacobson
on the really hot days you do planning in front of the fan
subway again
rock shop
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