It was a great week, a wonderful way to finish a transfer with this wonderful branch. They have really become a special group of people to me. I am grateful for every week in this area trying my best to help and strengthen testimonies. I am impressed every week by the faith of the 18 year old members that have passed through the ups and downs of the church here and remain firm on the path because of their sincere testimonies.
We started off the week with a sick companion coughing up a storm and i was worried that i would get sick too. But i didn't. Then we had an amazing experience the next day. I feel like the spirit was trying to guide me and i was ignoring it so he took over and made all of our plans fall until we showed up at the right destination. We lost 2 lessons and 3 back up plans but eventually showed up at a member's house we had only visited once before. It is a family of 3 sons and a mom, and the mom is not a member, the fact we didn't know. I don't want to tell the her whole personal story but basically she has raised these kids for 7 years alone. her oldest son is going on a mission this winter, and she know the church is true but has never had the courage to enter and has not been able to stop drinking coffee. She works so hard to help her family and at this moment was under a lot of pressure due to the rent on the house. We gave her a blessing of healing for her pain and her comfort and left an uplifting message. The next time we came back she told us she was healed by the blessing and was feeling tons better. Even though i am leaving the area, Elder Gerald has promised to get her to church and to end this addiction so she can be baptized. She is going to make an amazing member.
We also had an amazing pancake night at the church and had tons of visitors. Unfortunately, none of the visitors went to church but we´re trying. The pancakes were going great and the members loved syrup and the fact that i could flip them without a spatula. but then the disaster happened. As we went to make more batter we cracked the last egg and a nasty glob of rotting mucus dropped into the batter. Well, we lost a batch but in the end everyone got to eat pancakes. We also fixed the ping pong table in the chapel and had some fun playing pingpong.
We spent our last sunday visiting members leaving encouraging messages and thanking. you know all the separating sadness. I have really loved this area but I was feeling like it was the time to go. I feel like I have learned a lot here and it is time to take what I learned and reapply it so I can learn so more.
I am so grateful for this glorious message that i have the privilege of carrying to people´s homes. I also love that every member of the church represents a living testimony to the veracity of Joseph Smith and the power of the Spirit. I also love that the church requires us to test our limits, stretch our faith, and serve our neighbor. There is nothing better that sacrificing your time and energies to serve the Lord. I thank my amazing family and the support of all of you for this opportunity to grow and serve.
Have a great week. I am anxious to tell about how the transfer goes and what the next step of the mission is for me.
Elder Jacobson (Andrew)
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