I had a splendid week. We started off meeting with a recent convert to the church. She is 23 and had a miraculous conversion story. The missionaries here were looking in the old records and after seeing her name and the family went there the next day. She had been looking and praying for something to fill up the space in her life. She decided to visit the church and found exactly what was missing. Ever since her testimony has grown and grown as she has come closer to our Savior. I love this work.
We also had a funny difficulty this week that we didn't even notice until Saturday. Taking out our visit in another city, we did not have any lessons inside peoples houses this week in our city. we met lots of awesome people during the week but we were not able to find them in their houses to teach a lesson. But, that just made the week extra fun.
Our miraculous story of the week was the chance to visit a 17 year old youth that travels an hour every to visit the church. We visited him and it was amazing to see him humble heart. I was filled with a desire to be as humble as him. He is a searcher of the truth. He, through a few studies and spiritual searches has decided he needs to learn more about the church. During this time i have had and am having to teach other sons and daughters of God, I want to turn myself into these excellent people. We have the chance now to choose if we are going to have more patience, if we want to love others more, if we want to be kinder or humbler or any kind of better. It is a life long process but we can do it.
It is a great experience to be a District Leader. This week we saw lots of progress in our investigators and it has opened my mind to put myself in the shoes of others. I did my first baptismal interview this week. I was happy to see the spirit working with me to understand her and help her as best we could.
I wrote this title because we all have another companion in this life. it is the Spirit. He is our friend. I know that we can be stronger that we are when we learn to use His help. This week we took a little time everyday to pray for small miracles. as we prayed and recognized God in our day I feel like he was more willing to help us.
I love you all and thank each one for helping me grow as a person. we have a great family.
Have a great week,
Elder Jacobson (Andrew)
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