I think you will find me extra happy today because he finally have electricity in our house after 4 days because of technical difficulties. after using candles to take showers and write down the important information at night for 4 days I am so happy to finally have my fan working again.
I just told the mission president that it was the hardest week of my mission. The funny thing is that despite being so difficult I am really happy today and I don't know how to explain it. Isn't that great! I think the joy is coming because we are helping a older man, that looks to me just like Papa Jacobson, in a spiritual journey. He has been wanting for years to be a more religious person but was looking for the right place and upon finding it is working really hard to organize his financial life so that he can diligently pay his tithing. I know that him and his family will be so blessed to have a stronger connection with our Heavenly Father.
We called ourselves cave dwellers during the week because our apartment doesn't have windows and without light it was basically a cave. We even took clothes to a members house so that on Sunday we could show up with a nice ironed shirt and clean clothes. it was quite an experience that I don't want to pass through again but that i will like to remember.
Unfortunately i was not able to send photos again. This internet café thinks that my camera is a virus. we will have to find a new place.
There is an important lesson for this week that I have been taught my whole life but that I had to defend this week. Stand up for what is Right. It is difficult sometimes to correct another person or do something that you don't want to do but whenever you can it is necessary to do the Right.
In the end, I just love you all, I feel like I grew a lot as a person this week and I am ready to grow some more. line upon line, precept upon precept. I also want to thank my mom for teaching especially me to be humble in every phase of my life. I don't know if I have fully accepted all of the teaching yet but I am grateful for every time she pulled me aside to help me out.
have a wonderful week and happy cold weather.
Elder Jacobson (Andrew)
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