Basically this week boiled down to one one-hour lesson with Leo Duarte. As we passed the week with him travelling we made short phone calls all week and tried to make him feel prepared. But it became obvious that he has not feeling it. We directed every personal study, companionship study, prayer and a special fast into our desire for him to feel prepared. Then we went to his house just 4 hours before a marked baptism. All the faith on the line.
We started off watching a few clips from the life of Christ and then asking Leo how he was feeling. He expressed that he didn't feel prepared and that he didn't understand why we don't give people more time to be comfortable. We both were focused so hard on what the spirit would tell us to say and nothing came. We just kind of sat there without words and decided to just give a simple testimony. We finished and he asked if the white baptismal clothing would fit on him. We said that there are all sizes and he, out of no-where, said ´ok, ill be baptized today.´
We left the house in a rush to get to the church, fill up the font, buy cake, and tell the rest of the members. But, the entire time I was very confused. Why had he changed his mind so abruptly. I decided to ask him afterwards. His Response:
I thought about my entire life and my experience over the last month with the Church. I decided I didn't want to be just another person that rejected this message.
I know that it wasn't anything that we said, anything that we did, or anything that we had prepared but simply the Spirit. He couldn't deny it and I cant either. It was a miracle for me.
Sorry the time is short but I just want to testify to a fact in my life. I feel the spirit of the Lord leading this work and I know there is something bigger about this life. I know God is our Heavenly Father and wants the best for us. By their fruits you shall know them. I have tasted these fruits.
Have a great week and send me a selfie if you can. haha
Elder Jacobson
Leo Duarte and I
I got the boxes. thank you sooooo much
haha, but I did really get the boxes
The Branch President choosing his next calling haha
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